
Saturday 30 March 2013

The Art of Self Control

Binge: (a)A period of unrestrained, immoderate self-indulgence, or (b)A period of excessive or uncontrolled indulgence in food or drink.

Cashews, Almonds and Roasted Black Beans
The photo above is from Thursday, 28th March 2013. It was just a while after lunch, but my stomach was beginning to feel empty again. I had been craving for nuts the entire week, and the thought of these nuts sitting in my pantry just made my mouth water and back of my throat scratchy and achy for the taste of crunchy, salty munchies. I took out these 3 containers and scooped a handful from each one, and told myself to just eat that portion first. It was gone in about 3 minutes.

That's when it started.

I opened the box of almonds, and started chewing on them. Maybe about 20 pieces later, the taste began to sit badly in my mouth and I moved on to get something salty instead; the black beans. These roasted crunchies are those types of goodies that you can't stop munching on once you start. I was quickly approaching the 1/3 mark of the bottle, so I forced myself to cap back the lid. But I was still itching for food. So I gave in to my final weakness- roasted cashews. And well, as you can see from the picture, the end result was barely 1/3 the container left. Almost 400g worth of snacks, demolished in less than an hour. Sounds scary, doesn't it? People would be think, "You must be crazy. How do you even fit that all in your stomach? What a monster." Right now, I don't know whether to laugh it off, or agree with them.

That night, with a heavy heart and unfiltered thoughts swimming around in my head, I decided to look up by best friend- Google. "Binging while recovering from anorexia", I remember mundanely typing into the search box. And what I found that night really made me feel so, so much better. 

The first blog,  explained how binges and mainly eating much more than what we are comfortable with, was perfectly common amongst many others in recovery. It explained that the calorie deficit for a recovering like me was at least 2500 a day. It basically eased all my doubts and anxieties in just 2 blog posts. 
I can't open the links right now for some reason, but I think everyone should have a look at them if you can. They were like god-given words, honestly. You will understand once you read the post.  
I also read many articles and stories shared by other past anorexics, that overeating was a common problem that they experienced. It felt good, knowing that I wasn't alone. I wasn't the only one going through this problem. I wouldn't have to suffer with this guilt and bear it's sole weight.

I am actually not that bothered by the number of calories I eat a day. I know that more is better than less, and I'm actually satisfied with a higher number. At the end of the day, higher calories means more input, and hopefully more weight gain in a shorter period of time. It's the binging I'm worried about. What if I develop Binge Eating Disorder? What if I become a binger? What if I lose all self control? What if I go to the opposite end of the scale instead of recovering?

My mum came home that night and pretty much had the shock of her life when she saw the remains of the nuts that we had just bought a couple days back. "Vivien! Did you finish all this?!" She hollered from the kitchen to my room. I cringed and padded out the room in resignation, and broke down as I poured my insecurities to her. It was a good relief session, to think about it. My mum has agreed to watch out for my tendencies to overeat and make sure to constantly harp at me to stop eating before I finish the entire container. 

Another reason that lessens my concern is because my overeating mainly evolves around nuts, seeds, beans and fruits. Unlike other stories I've read, where they can consume an entire jar of pb(gosh), an entire block of chocolate, or two boxes of cereals in a go, I doubt I will ever reach that stage of complete mindblock and lose all sense of control. I hope. I really, really don't want that to happen. Compared to some cases where they binge over 2000 calories, I've been told that what I eat doesn't consider as a binge. That I'm simply refeeding my body the nutrients that it's asking for. That statement alone does wonders everytime I feel like I'm binging; it assures me, and I'll end up eating till I'm full before I stop. Of course I feel like a huge whale, but if I eat till I actually feel full, and not to the point of puking, does that still count? My mind is in a whirl everytime I think about this issue. One says this, another argues. It's an endless war. I don't know what to think. I don't know what to do. Right now, I'm just listening to my body as to when to eat and when to stop. I just hope that that's the right decision.

Its now nearly Sunday, and over the past 3 days, it's been on-off eating a lot and eating little. I've finished that container of black beans as well as cashews that was left. I'm still worried that I'm going overboard, but the deed is done and I won't go back. At 9pm(Saturday), I had just finished dinner, had a large snack of grapes, longans and mangoes, and was preparing to just relax in bed. But guess what. My stomach and mind was asking me for cashews and almonds. It was crazy-they were like those insects that just keep flying around you no matter how much you try and wave them away. I tried everything- walking around(away from the kitchen), closing the door, reading a book, listening to music- nothing worked. At 9.30pm, I stormed out of my room and headed straight to the cupboard housing the last of the cashews and the still full container of almonds. And I didn't stop. Piece after piece after piece, I said goodbye to the last cashew nut and started on the almonds. But thank god for mum, she was like an alarm clock put on snooze, ringing every few minutes to stop. At first, I ignored her and just continued eating. But after a few good reminders, I seemed to finally awake from my reverie. Patting my stomach, I actually felt SATISFIED, and chose to stop. So, I guess it wasn't that bad as it could have gotten? I can't even imagine the scenario of finishing the entire box of almonds, I think I would have puked. (On a side note, I DON'T purge no matter how badly I binge/overeat. The last time I b/p was last year, I think? And it was because I overloaded on so much fruit, the water content either had to be released or my stomach would have burst><)

I wonder if anyone who reads this will be able to relate to me. I wonder if anyone is in the same plight as I am, or if they have experienced it before. Ultimately, I think that having someone who understands, really helps. The terror, fright I feel is sky high. I can't tell people like my doctor, because I can't/don't want to imagine what stupid move he'll do next to further increase my misery. 

It's scary. I'm scared. This disorder is scary. I won't let it win. Not after I've come this far. There's no going back. Even if I have to do it alone. I won't go back. Please.....I just want to stay strong.

2kg in 4 weeks. 1 week down, 3 more to go.


  1. Thank you so much for posting this. This really helped a lot because i am also doing the same thing as what you are, binging on nuts. Sometimes i eat till my teeth hurts and everything but i just couldn't stop and it really scares me. It makes me feel so bad and very very terrified. Thank you so much for being so strong. You are really one of the only few who are really trying your hardest to recover unlike a lot of the ones who are actually triggering instead... Thank you so much.

    1. It is really reassuring to know that i'm not the only one who experiences this!! If your body asks for food, listen to it and feed it! There's no such thing as binging in recovery, that's the most important thing to remember (: thank you so much, that means the world to me! I will continue doing my best, you must too!!!

  2. Hey! I'm the same! I feel like I just can't stop... And sometimes even after a meal where I'm bloated I will still wanna eat(unless I really ate loads and feel stuffed) so I just don't eat:/ do you have a meal plan?

    1. Hello! Even if you are bloated(probably due to too much fibre), i feel that you should listen to your body and eat! Because if you still feel like eating, it is most likely your body telling you it is still hungry. In those cases, just eat! Your body will tell you when it is full and when to stop. And yes, I do!

  3. Sorry but i would like to ask if you suffer from constipation and eat laxatives? Cos i am experiencing constipation....probably bcos i consumed alot of bread...i dont really eat much rice.
    I am in recovery however seems like i cant accept the fact ofngaining weight. I am a ballet dancer, hence the weight gain upon recovery is triggering. However, for my condition, i have no doctor...its my ballet teacher who discover my ed and is weighing me every week . He wants me tto gain 1kg in a week...but i just cant. And i feel tht i am relapsing...i truly want to recover but somehow there is a voice dragging me back. :(

    1. Nope I don't take laxatives! Are you getting enough fibre into your diet? What is your current meal plan like?
      Im sorry to hear that! )': i would advise you to go see a doctor and get professional help, because it is really harmful for you to continue with this ed! I know how hard it is to have to gain weight. But being totally underweight, not getting your period- it isn't good for you! I understand that ballet dancers are usually small built; but most ballet dancers are skinny in the fit sense! They have muscles and are healthy. That's what you should try to achieve! It is NOT TRUE that you will become and look fat once you gain weight. The weight gained will go to repairing your muscles and body, and make you healthier on both inside and out! The voice that is holding you back is ED talking, you MUST ignore it and do what's right for you! Please, you can do this! It is difficult, i know. But you should find a motivation that will push you to recover! It is possible and it is essential!! I hope i helped abit, please stay strong and do your best!

  4. I think i do not have enuf fibre in my diet... thats why. And so i eat laxatives to control my bowel movement. Am going to seek doctor for some xray to check my digestive system. I eealy hate the ed controlling my mind, i really want to gain weighr but ed kept saying u are fat and i cant accept the numbers on scales... my ballet teacher is really harsh on me now, he wants me to gain weight n be 40kg before he allowed me to go for solo competition in america this june. I am struggling and i relapse back once. Now i am trying to fight for recovery again. Hopefully this time i am strong enuf to fight ed .i am so proud of you that you are able to fight strong and letting yourself gain weight to stay healthy and pretty. Really apreciate what you had said , keep fighting babe!

    1. Eat more nuts/avocado, that might help. Your digestive system is really weak now because its been ill-treated for so long, as it repairs it will get stronger again and make digestion easier. Yes i have bloating almost everyday! It's normal in recovery. As long as you keep eating standard consistent portions, your body will realize that it isnt on starvation mode anymore an the bloating WILL go away. Just be dedicated and patient! YOU CAN accept the weight gain, its ED that can't! Thats the monster that all of us are trying to overcome, you definitely can too. Use the competition as a motivation to gain weight. If you fainted halfway while dancing and had to be hospitalized, what good would that do you? Your ballet teacher is doing the right thing by making you gain. Remember that you want to be fit and healthy, not skinny and malnutritioned. You can beat ed, im sure of it! Don't be deceived that skinny=pretty. You can do it! I hope that i can be of some support to you (:

  5. Does your stomach bloat during recovery? Does it go away eventually?

  6. Babe thank you so much for the advice. But how long does it take u to gain 1.5kg? My ballet teacher need me to gain it by next sunday...n i find it really hard.

    1. I'm currently on a meal plan to gain 0.5kg per week.
      It looks something like this:
      Breakfast:2 slices bread+spread(pb,butter), yogurt/milk(NO LOW FAT), fruit. Basically, 1 carb group, 1 protein.
      Lunch/Dinner: 1 FULL bowl of rice/noodles(literally packed bowl), 1 huge serving of protein(AT LEAST palm size), 1 serve vegetables and 1 serve fruit. So also 1 carb group, 1 protein and veg.
      I have 3 snacks(mid morning, afternoon and at night), usually it is 1 carb group (bread with spread, sandwich, biscuits, basically a carb group) and a protein(milk/yogurt/ice cream?) I usually have really high cal snacks such as nuts/dried fruit. And I eat a lot of snacks throughout the day.
      Have you heard of supplements? They are nutrient dense drinks that can help you gain weight. The brand name is either Resource or Ensure Plus! Go google it for more information. I would recommend you take them.
      Have In the end, it's calories that cause the weight gain, so I would encourage you to eat tons of calorie dense foods!

      What are your current eating patterns like?

  7. Wow. Ur meal plan is really extensive, so organized :) for me, i do not have any plans. I just have maybe abit of noodles? For brunch. I usually skip breakfast cos i sleep in till very late. For dinner, its either home cooked food but i hardly eat a mouth of rice. Cos its my fear food and once i eat the rice. I cnt eat igredients.

    1. That's because I've seen a dietician to help me with this meal plan! That's why I recommend you should go see a doctor to help you, if you really want to recover quickly :/ I see, I would think you had less than 1000 calories a day. Don't your parents say anything when they see you eating so little?

      Your current eating isn't even enough to sustain you. A normal maintenance day should see AT LEAST 1500 calories, we need at least 2500 to gain and for some people that isn't even enough. You REALLY need to eat more or I fear you won't meet your goal by next week ):

    2. My parents are forcing me to eat. But i cheat on some days....taking snacks to replace meals. I dont drink alot due to e fear of weight gain.. so i get water retention. But now i am drinking experiencing water retention n bowel movement is really bad. I need to use laxative to shit. Havent shit by my own since dec. Gg to see doctor for this on thurs. Anw. Ur latest post totally describe me.

    3. You mean going to see the doctor for the constipation problem, or the gaining problem? Do your parents know about your ED and stuff? Describes you, as in you weigh yourself a lot and get very affected by the numbers??

  8. Constipation. Cos now i am eating so its okay. Just probably somedays i dont eat as much. Yups, they know. Yah, the weighingpart

    1. Thats good!! You can do it!!! Do you count cals? :/

      Dont weigh yourself so much dear it really isnt good ):

    2. Initially i do. But now, totally dont do that. Phew lucky i kick tht habit fast enuf before it become an addicition.however, i do look at the calories on labels but dont go crazy abt it. It is more like to see if the food has far too much calories n worth e consumption. Yeah, trying to quit e weighing habit, it is really tough though. Anw, i consume alot of snacks than proper food. Like biscuits, titbits, bread instead of rice...noodles...veg...meat. sigh, but i still eat them but nt alot.
