
Friday 31 May 2013

Astons Steak and Salad @ The CentrePoint

Astons Steak and Salad @ The CentrePoint 

cum Early 16th birthday celebration!

Mum has been craving for sizzler, but it's sad that all the remaining outlets have disappeared from Singapore ): So upon hearing that a salad bar buffet is available, she's been wanting to try this for ages! Since I've been doing pretty well in recovery so far, she decided to satisfy my inner veggie beast and give me this opportunity as my birthday present :D 

I had the salad bar buffet for $19.90. A pretty wide selection to choose from so I think its pretty worth the price. You can order a main dish(steak) which comes with either baked potato or french fries, and free salad bar and drinks. 

Non-stop eating in action- these are only 3 of the bowls I had taken out of maybe 10? shared grilled salmon with my grandma which was pretty good(;

I ate till my stomach nearly burst. Literally.

Here's what they had to offer! At the salad bar, there was mixed lettuce, baby spinach, romaine lettuce, pasta&potato salad, coleslaw, bell peppers, carrots, beetroot, cherry tomatoes, olives, raw broccoli and cauliflower!

Next to it were corn, peas, chickpeas, kidney beans, baked beans, pineapple, walnuts and lots of different condiments and fruits!

They had this cute section with small cuts of cheese; not that I'm a big fan of them though so I didn't try them! I thought the grapes were real at first~~

Cooked food section-assorted fried foods like onion rings, mashed potatoes, fried rice, 4 types of soups, garlic and other types of bread which was pretty good! 
The mushroom soup was quite thick but wasn't really that warm :X the other soups also so-so!

Cooked vegetables: garlic potato(YUM), roasted veggies, sauerkraut(some foreign vegetable which was AMAZING and i had a lot :p), stir fried french beans, steamed broc and cauli, peppered cabbage and cooked pasta! I think I ate the most cooked vegetables as compared to the salad section; everything was really good!

Overall, it really fulfilled my expectations! $19.90 is pretty worth it and I didn't have much of an appetite that day or I bet I could have eaten much more! XD yes, I'm a monster, you can say that.
Thanks Mummy for the fulfilling and great lunch!
Did I mention there was ice cream?(; 
No photo though, gobbled up that vanilla before I could snap anything :3 

I could barely stand after that. But walked home and mum made me have a bowl of homemade green bean sweet potato sago soup, which was actually really good! But cannot ah, I was planning to have a good dinner as well!

Dinner at my grandma's: If you know me from Instagram, you'll probably know how much i love home-cooked food! <3

Dinner was White rice, White Radish Soup, oven-baked black pepper chicken, braised fish, bok choy with oyster dressing, stir fried bean sprouts with onion, and achar!(pineapple, cucumber salad) A feast worthy of the birthday girl. Approved xP

Oh wait, my day isn't over just yet. Birthday girl(though it's early) gotta have birthday cake right? My dearest mum knows me the best, got me my favorite Traditional Blackforest Cake! Ordered this from Jack's Place. A year ago, I had this exact same cake and happily had as many slices as I wanted. And I'm glad to say, today isn't any different. Despite all the challenges since November 2012, I have definitely become stronger since then. No more 'forbidding' of any food. Carbs? Sweets? Sugar? Protein? Gimme. I'll have them.

Finally time for the cake! The thing I've been looking forward to most!

Blackforest fudge cake from Jack's Place.
I got the first slice (; and subsequently 2 slices more!

I scraped my plate clean.

Then I scraped the cake plate clean, again. The big plate this time(OOPS :p) And licked the knife. Fudgey, moist, rich, yet not too sweet. Could taste dark chocolate and yet the sweetness of the cherries nulled it. Was a little soft but I think that's because we didn't keep it in the fridge before that. What I loved was that it wasn't overloaded with whipped cream; the texture and amount of chocolate flakes were generous and sufficient too! Even my younger brother, who's really picky about cakes, wanted another slice. Biting into it, the chocolate and thick layer of moist choc just exploded in my mouth, leaving me demanding for more.
No, I'm not joking. This was my doing xD

No guilt. No restricting, no binging. Pure enjoying, pure bliss.

Another birthday past, thankfully without the grip of ed. Happy 16th to myself. What an unglam photo. Pardon me. 

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